How often should I do MAF endurance training?

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MAF (Maximum Aerobic Function) endurance training is a method of training that focuses on developing an athlete’s endurance by training at a low heart rate. This type of training is intended to improve cardiovascular health, increase endurance, and reduce the risk of injury.


The question then arises, how often should one do MAF endurance training?


The answer is not straightforward, as the frequency of MAF endurance training depends on various factors such as the athlete’s fitness level, training goals, and the amount of time they have available to train.

Fitness Level

If you are new to MAF endurance training or have a low fitness level, it is advisable to start with one or two MAF endurance training sessions per week. As you become more comfortable with this type of training, you can gradually increase the frequency of your MAF endurance training sessions.


For intermediate to advanced athletes, it is recommended to incorporate MAF endurance training into their training program at least two to three times per week. This will help them to build a solid aerobic base, improve their endurance capacity, and reduce the risk of injury.

Training Goals

The frequency of MAF endurance training can also depend on an athlete’s training goals.

If an athlete’s primary goal is to improve their endurance and aerobic capacity, they may need to do more MAF endurance training sessions per week.

On the other hand, if an athlete’s training goals are more focused on strength or speed, they may need to reduce the frequency of their MAF endurance training sessions.

Time Availability

The amount of time an athlete has available to train can also affect the frequency of their MAF endurance training.

If an athlete has limited time to train, they may need to reduce the frequency of their MAF endurance training sessions.

In contrast, if an athlete has more time to train, they can incorporate more MAF endurance training sessions into their training program.


In conclusion, the frequency of MAF endurance training depends on various factors such as an athlete’s fitness level, training goals, and the amount of time they have available to train.


As a general guideline, it is recommended to start with one or two MAF endurance training sessions per week and gradually increase the frequency to two to three times per week for intermediate to advanced athletes.


Remember to listen to your body, and if you feel fatigued or over-trained, reduce the frequency of your MAF endurance training sessions.

Free eBook Download

The top 10 questions asked about MAF endurance training.


Coach Shamus

At the heart of MultiSportCoaching is Coach Shamus, a seasoned athlete and experienced coach with a passion for helping others achieve their goals. With over 25 years of experience in coaching athletes of all levels, Coach Shamus has the knowledge and expertise to help you reach your full potential.