2020 has been filled with disappointment for most athletes. Lockdowns, race postponements and race cancellations have really affected motivation levels.

What are your goals for the new season?

What would be the best way forward for you to achieve your 2021 goals?

Table of Contents

No more races or different races?

I think it is safe to assume that when the new race calendar is announced for 2021 that the events calendar will look a lot different. 

Some races will be cancelled, some race will be postponed and some races will be very different from what they were in the past.

Different Goals

As a result of  the uncertainty created by lockdowns, many athletes cancelled their coaching contracts because: “There are no races in the near future that I need to train for.”

Unfortunately, this has led to many athletes to piecing together their own training schedules. Many have taken to “competing” in Virtual Races and completing Social media inspired high-intensity resistance training routines many times a week.

There are now a disturbing number of injured, “burned out” and overtrained athletes who have been chasing virtual podiums, prizes and recognition on social media platforms.

The goals they had before were transformed into a range of weekly personal bests without considering the medium and long-term downsides of this approach. 

3 big mistakes you could be making

In the last 6 months, we have been watching the training trends very carefully.

Without the objective eye of a coach watching over the athletes, 3 trends have become quite apparent.

  • Slow training is not slow enough
  • Hard training is too frequent.
  • Athletes are not resting enough.

Calculate your MAF Training Zone

What is YOUR optimal training zone to build aerobic efficiency with the least risk of injury or illness?
Try This

Slow Down!!

Improved fitness = Work (Training) + Recovery.

As a lot of training is being done indoors on treadmills and trainers connected to apps, data and statistics seem to be the focus of conversations between athletes. Each one is trying to outdo the other.

Unfortunately, all the data needs to be shared

Don’t take the bait


Get a coach, or at the very least, a training plan

Complete the questionnaire to win

2020 has been a bit of a mess. Did you achieve what you set out to?

Complete the questionnaire and we will direct you to the most appropriate coaching option to help you achieve your best in 2021.

The questionnaire is split into 4 sections:

  • About you – some questions about you.
  • General sport and training questions – your preferences. 
  • Your preferred sport  – 
  • Your goals for 2021

**Total time to complete the questionnaire: 5 minutes**

Each month we will draw 6 winners from the completed questionnaires for that month.

Each of the 6 winners will have a 12-week base training plan set up for then in their TrainingPeaks account.
The base training plan will be based on the answers provided in the questionnaire.

December 2020 winners

– 6 winners

January 2021 winners

– 6 winners

February 2021 winners

– 6 winners

March 2021 winners

– 6 winners

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